Sentiment Analysis vs. Opinion Mining: Differences and Similarities

October 15, 2021


Natural Language Processing (NLP) is a field of study that focuses on making machines understand and use human language in various forms. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining are two of the most popular techniques that are used in NLP. They are used to analyze and understand customer feedback, reviews, and opinions about products, services, or topics.

Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment Analysis involves analyzing a piece of text to determine the sentiment or emotional tone behind it. Sentiments can be positive, negative, or neutral. The purpose of this analysis is to understand the opinion or attitude of the writer towards a particular topic or subject. Sentiment Analysis can be performed using various techniques, such as lexicon-based analysis, machine learning, or deep learning.

For example, a restaurant review can be analyzed using Sentiment Analysis to determine if the reviewer had a positive or negative experience. This analysis can be useful for the restaurant owner to understand the areas that need improvement and the strengths of their business.

Opinion Mining

Opinion Mining, also known as Subjectivity Analysis or Opinion Extraction, involves extracting subjective information from a piece of text. This subjective information can be opinions, evaluations, or beliefs. Opinion Mining can be used to understand not only the sentiment behind a piece of text but also the aspects that are being discussed.

For example, a product review can be analyzed using Opinion Mining to determine what aspects of the product the reviewer likes or dislikes. This information can be useful for the product owner to understand the areas that need improvement and the strengths of their product.


While Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining are often used interchangeably, there are some differences between the two techniques. The main difference is that Sentiment Analysis focuses on determining the polarity of a piece of text (positive, negative, or neutral), while Opinion Mining focuses on extracting subjective information from text.

Another difference is the level of detail. Sentiment Analysis provides a general overview of the sentiment behind a piece of text, whereas Opinion Mining provides more specific information about the aspects being discussed.


Despite the differences, Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining share some similarities. They are both used to analyze and understand customer feedback, opinions, and reviews. They can be used to identify strengths and weaknesses of a product or service, and they help businesses make data-driven decisions.

Both techniques also rely on NLP methods such as machine learning, deep learning, and lexicon-based analysis.


Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining are powerful techniques that can be used to analyze and understand customer feedback, opinions, and reviews. While there are some differences between the two techniques, they share many similarities and are often used together to provide a more comprehensive analysis. Understanding the differences and similarities between these techniques can help businesses make more informed decisions based on customer feedback.


  • Liu, B. (2012). Sentiment analysis and opinion mining. Synthesis lectures on human language technologies, 5(1), 1-167.
  • Pang, B., & Lee, L. (2008). Opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 2(1–2), 1–135.

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